
Animon Story TTRPG

Created by Zak Barouh

The Tabletop RPG about Kids and their Monster friends!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Day 2 - and 2 Stretch Goals unlocked!
about 2 years ago – Thu, May 12, 2022 at 12:00:42 AM

As I write this we're sitting at 166% funded which is fantastic for Day 2! This means two new stretch goals have been unlocked, More Art and New Adventure & NPCS!

One of the things I most wanted to achieve with this Kickstarter was to bolster the current artwork of Animon Story and fill it with some new brilliant art as well! First on the list are brand new illustrations for all the Kid Types, but depending on the eventual funding level there'll be more animon art, and perhaps even some wonderful feature illustrations as well.

Along with this there will be a brand new adventure scenario, and more NPCs (both as part of the adventure, and in the NPC section of the main rulebook). I'll be sure to post details of the upcoming adventure as it is developed. This will either be a separate digital download reward, or perhaps included as part of the Ani-thology. That's to be decided.

As always, stay tuned to the updates for more info, and thank you for the support in the first two days!

Fully Funded in under 6 hours - plus the first Stretch Goal!
about 2 years ago – Wed, May 11, 2022 at 03:42:06 AM

Hello all,

Well, what an amazing first day it's been so far. It's getting later here in the UK and soon I'll be off for the evening (although my friends at Metal Weave Games will be keeping an eye on things).

We've sailed through the funding goal in under 6 hours, which is incredible - thank you so much for your support! Animon Story is a very personal creation for me, and I'm delighted to be able to bring this game to life finally, for all those other 'mon' fans like myself.

The first Stretch Goal has also been hit, the 'Young Aristocrat' Kid Type, name potentially up for debate. The 'Posh Kid' perhaps? A classic cartoon and anime character trope, the sort of kid who rocks up to school in their family limo, driven by their personal butler Sebastien, all whilst thinking this is the most normal thing in the world. Or perhaps the kid who's already wearing three-piece suits by age 13, somehow the director of a multi-million dollar corporation before they've left school. It's a type that excels in polite society, but has some glaring naivetes in other areas.

I'll be putting together some more preview info for this Kid Type as I start to develop it for the final version!

Also coming soon, some estimates for shipping costs - this will all be handled at the Backerkit stage, but MWG is working on putting together a best estimate at this stage.

Once again, thank you for all the support in the first day, and I hope you'll look forward to seeing how far we can take Animon Story this month!

Zak Barouh